We champion active two-way communication to ensure we continually iterate to help the child better

At Alpha to Omega, parents and caregivers are our closest allies. Hard work of the child needs to be matched with the clear, unambiguous support and love from the adults in their lives. Together we strive to create a safe and inclusive community for our children to blossom, to feel safe, to be empowered whilst we teach them the importance of being responsible, mindful and generous.

We champion active two-way communication to ensure we continually iterate to help the child better. Parents should feel free to call us at any time and we always try to address their concerns within 24 hours.

We ask that parents understand the complexity and structure of the programme, so that the best support can be provided. This could involve a commitment to practising specific exercise routines with their child at home. This will see faster rates of advancement: studies have proven that students who practice Rhythmic Writing six times a week improve at a faster rate than students who do not.

We hope that parents and families will also be involved in the life of the Alpha to Omega family. Opportunities for parental involvement may include attending parent orientations and education evenings, volunteering to serve on an ATO committee, be actively involved in fundraising, attending events such as pot luck and picnics with our children.