Our team is comprised of individuals with significant experience in education and community building. Our expertise and professional skills have allowed us to come together to build a strong vision and holistic view of our service to children.

Sharada Selvanathan

Founder & Head of Centre

Sharada is Alpha to Omega’s founder in Singapore. Her passion in education is longstanding. She has been heavily involved in the operations of the Alpha to Omega School in Chennai, working closely with its founder, Lalitha Ramanujan. Full Profile

Lalitha Ramanujan

Co-Founder & Curriculum Director

Lalitha is a pioneer in the field of special education in India and is the founder of The Alpha to Omega School in Chennai, India. Her passion for helping children succeed, whatever their challenges, has been the driving force of Alpha to Omega in the region. Full Profile

Ramani DeAlwis

ATO Advisor

Ramani has over 30 years of experience as an educator and school administrator from her time in New York City. An inspired and visionary leader, she is Alpha to Omega's Head of Centre. Full Profile

Kristin Barbour

NILD Partner

Kristin is the Executive Director of the National Institute of Learning Development (NILD), an institution that partners with Alpha to Omega in Asia. Kristin’s passion is life-long learning and the development and success of independent learners. Full Profile