* Names have been changed to protect the identity of our students.
Having returned from a brief migration to Canada, Henry joined a mainstream school but struggled to keep up with his grade level. At 15 years old, Henry joined the Alpha to Omega Learning Centre (Alpha to Omega School) in Chennai as a full-time student with an aim to pass the Secondary Board National Exams in India.
Based on initial diagnostic tests, Henry was highly impulsive. He seemed to have a short attention span, grappled with poor memory and was averse to tasks involving writing.
Whilst being enrolled in the school full time, Henry had four 120-minute sessions of intervention per week over four years
These are just a few of the techniques from his programme:
Within two years, Henry showed an overall increase in self-esteem as he moved from below average to an average score on the Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventory (CFSEI). His reading and writing skills improved significantly, allowing him to score within the average range of his class when tested.
Henry showed particular academic progress during his last two years of secondary school, whilst his behavioural issues had improved significantly during his time at school. He was no longer afraid to write and clearly communicate. He proceeded to enroll in a higher education programme after completing his Secondary and Senior Secondary board exams in India.
"Deniz was ten when he first enrolled in the programme. Let me recall my first session with Deniz… Deniz was agitated and restless. He was constantly wringing his hands, pacing around the room, and could not sit still in his chair. His short attention span left him unable to focus on the task at hand; instead he would worry about his friends, what they were doing at the playground, and if he was performing correctly." – NILD educational therapist
Deniz showed behavourial problems such as an inability to focus and work independently as well as poor impulse control. He had cognitive and perceptual problems, such as visual-motor integration and poor spatial awareness. He also had academia-related problems, such as a poor grasp of mathematics and reading comprehension.
Deniz worked with Jane for five years, attending two 80-minute sessions each week for the first four years.
These are just a few of the techniques from his programme:
By the beginning of Deniz’s third year with Jane, he had progressed to using his school textbooks as sources for exercises. His school texts were also used to develop reading and study skills: for instance, previewing the chapter, observing how the chapter is organized, reading questions at the end of chapter, identifying unfamiliar vocabulary before beginning to read. At the end of his third year of educational therapy, Deniz showed a 27-point increase in his overall cognitive ability. In his 5th and final year of educational therapy, Deniz transitioned from two 80-minute sessions to just one 80-minute session each week.
Deniz was able to successfully complete his high school education without educational therapy, and is currently enrolled as an Engineering major in a university near his home.